Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Weather Difficulties

The weather on Long Island has been absolute shit lately! Of course, with the predicted blizzard, many of the residents have been prepared. (Duh! - Thanks you News 12)  The problem with the weather is that when snow has been driven over multiple times and the road gets warm enough, the snow turns to slush. This makes walking around an annoying, swear-worthy hassle.

Because I walk to school, I know the feeling. I constantly want to wear the shoes that go with my outfit, but I know they'll get ruined by the snow.  Another swear-worthy hassle.  Me being me, of course, had tried to walk through the snow with my blue denim oxford-styled flats from h&m a year or two back. [I had bought the shoes a year or two ago, not walked in the snow a year or two ago. sorry if that confused you. x] Unfortunately, having them result in disaster.

You can clearly see the damage, both in my heart and in the shoes. (I was honestly heartbroken when I had seen this.) So I honestly do advise you not to try and cheat through the snow. Weather is a bitch.

 What I've come to notice is that my peers have no choice but to come to school in ugly rainboots that are the hardest to take off because you haven't worn them in four years so maybe they don't fit as well as they used to.  Unfortunately, I believe my fellow classmates have taken to giving up on snowy/rainy days in this town. But no more shall we be prisoner to Mother Nature and her hostile ways!

(jacket: topshop / jumper: burberry / jeans: burberry / bag: zara / jewelry (rings); topshop - necklace: tiffany's  boots: hunter )
I've been inspired to share how I think they could be "impressionized" (is that a word? if not, I don't quite care, I've gone and made it up for this blog post. Go ahead and use that at school. ;) jk don't, i'm an idiot) and fired up to head off to school confidently.  I'd have a picture taken of me sporting something like this, but seeing as the WEATHER was soooo utterly sucky, I decided I'd save a pair of shoes by creating a set on polyvore for you guys. Thanks for reading, until next time. Cheers x -Brie

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